Sep 28 8:35 am to 8:50 am Phytosanitary irradiation in Mexico. The first 10 years and an outlook to the next
Sep 28 9:05 am to 9:20 am Australia’s Story: delivering fresher and more sustainable produce to the world
Sep 28 10:05 am to 10:20 am Use of ionizing technologies to bring Pakistani mangoes to the US customers
Sep 28 10:20 am to 10:35 am Food Irradiation: the opportunities for acceptance and growth and the limiting factors
Sep 28 1:05 pm to 1:25 pm Comparing low dose irradiation with conventional treatments on development of physiological defects in ‘Granny Smith’ apples
Sep 28 1:25 pm to 1:40 pm Consumer and retailer/distributor perception of irradiated apples in Mexico
Sep 28 1:40 pm to 2:00 pm Panel discussion: The way in which R&D support the development of the food ionizing industry