Anna Lucia (IPEN – Nuclear and Energy Research Institute)
Anna Lucia C. H. Villavicencio has a degree in Biological Sciences from the Santa Ursula University (1979) at Rio de Janeiro State; Master Degree in Basic Nuclear Technology in the area of Radiobiology, University of São Paulo at the Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research (USP/IPEN), São Paulo State (1989); Doctorate in Food Science, Bromatology and Experimental Nutrition area at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo (1998), São Paulo State; Post-doctorate in searching about the influence of the radiation process on bioactive compounds of eatable flowers in the chemistry and biochemistry laboratories of the Agriculture School of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal, fellow CNPq (2015). CNPq productivity scholarship (level 2). She is professor of the graduation program of IPEN / USP, guides and teaches courses in Nuclear Technology post graduation program at the University of São Paulo (TNA-IPEN / USP), was member of the Commission of Graduate of Nuclear Technology Program (IPEN / USP, 2013-2015). Technologist position at National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) and researcher at the Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research (IPEN-CNEN / SP). She has developed work aimed at Peaceful use of Nuclear Technology Application in support of Food Security in the field of Food Science and Technology, with emphasis on Food Irradiation and Detection Analysis, acting on the following themes: Food Irradiation, Food Detection source Irradiated animal and plant; Analysis Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiological and Nutritional Irradiated Food, Assessment and Application of Quarentenário and Phytosanitary treatment in conjunction with the irradiation process in agricultural products; Analysis of Natural biocompounds and radiation processing; Sensorial analysis of irradiated foods; Food Safety and Public Acceptance of Studies Processed Food Radiation; National and international legislation on the use of radiation in food and agricultural products with ABNT; Food detection Transgenic and Biological Effects of Radiation. It has experience in coordinating national and international projects funded by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria, on the interaction of radiation in food. Participates in committees and short courses in theme update related to the irradiation of food and agricultural products.